Many men are wary of going to marriage counseling. They fear that they will be ganged-up on by two women once that counseling room door is shut. Many women call The Couple Zone and make a new appointment for marriage counseling, but call back and…
Many men are wary of going to marriage counseling. They fear that they will be ganged-up on by two women once that counseling room door is shut. Many women call The Couple Zone and make a new appointment for marriage counseling, but call back and…
Curiosity. Compassion. What comes up for you when you read those words? Can you try feeling those states of mind – those qualities – inside of yourself? Merriam-Webster dictionary defines curiosity as a desire to learn or know more about someone or something. It defines…
I have to say, I am so worried about the future of our relationships. We all know the negative effects technology has on our social skills, but it’s become much more apparent in our romantic relationships. It’s not just our children who are suffering from…
“Physically, I feel tired all the time.” “All I want to do is sleep.” “I don’t feel like eating and I don’t find any foods appealing.” “I sleep to run away from reality.” “Sometimes I wake up crying because I find myself again in my…
Many couples imagine inheriting a whole new supportive and loving family with the in-laws. And sometimes that happens. At other times, however, in-laws bring significant challenges. It can even feel like downright invasion. Below are helpful insights into how couples can avoid the emotional tug-of-war…
As the holidays draw near and we reach the end of 2015, I can’t help but look back and think of how this year has molded me. Last January I began a new chapter of my life by moving into private practice and out of…
A few months ago millions of people watching the Super Bowl saw the NoMore.org commercial portraying the scene of a victim of domestic violence calling 911 and pretending to order a pizza to disguise the call from her attacker. I’d venture a guess that no…
Relationships have a life of their own that needs to grow and change over time. Its health becomes vulnerable when neglected. It requires effort to regain the lost well-being. Relationships contain conflicts, troubling emotions and the messiness of life. As with any issue, whether physical,…
When the health of your relationship is at stake, you want the right therapist. That means one who is qualified to help you address the issues you are facing and one with whom you and your partner feel comfortable. That means doing more than just Googling “marriage…